
All Night Drug Prowling Wolves

You've heard it all before. Yes, I think you have. The hype, the obnoxious stories and the silly tantrums. All Night Drup Prowling Wolves are not like wolves. This is no metaphor! No analogies! Not at all. All Night Drup Prowling Wolves are plainly what they say they are, ALL NIGHT DRUG PROWLING WOLVES. They really do wear their appetites on their sleeves. They are a reggae band, they are a punk band, they are a rock and roll band, they are a gospel group and most of all they are a soul band. Lead singer Tom Cheshire boasts that he can make any woman wet from his words, voice and style. Everything from reggae to punk to country to soul. Their songs are smart, funny and most of all sad. They speak for the underdog and most of all from a chubby man's gut. ALL NIGHT DRUG PROWLING WOLVES are animals, and yes this is very much what Rock and Roll is supposed to be. - A Spanish kid in Queens New York

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